Feb 16, 2017

Gadaladeniya Vihara


Another great creation by the ancient sinhalese is the Gadaladeniya Vihara or Temple. In Kandy Road from Colombo , near the 104thKiloMeter post, turning right towards Davulugala Road nearly 1 km, This place can be reached. 

4th Parakramabahu who was at the helm from 1341 yo 1351 BC sponsored this Temple. This is by far the most exclusive building raised in Gampola Kingdom , where King’s castle was located in Gampola , Central province in Sri Lanka. Built on natural granite base, also finished fully in granite, that gives a very special attraction to this sacred temple. 


While traveling in Sri Lanka , there are plenty of facilities for you to access in order to learn the history of this place as well. This is a place which you should never miss.

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