Jan 22, 2017


This is a gemstone that should not be worn under any circumstances. These highly radioactive gems can provide deadly cancer sickness. First discovered by Mr F. L. D. Ekanayaka in a Mine near Eheliyagoda in Sri Lanka. 

Rarely discovered these can be found in gem deposits of Sri Lanka , as well as mines in Russia and North America. These can have colors ranging from green to color of bee honey. Very rarely Star Ekanites, that is such ekanites glow as a stars were also discovered. They have the refractive index of 1.58 and ranging specific gravity between 2.95 to 3.28. Chemical composition contains either Ca2ThSi8O20or (Ca,Fe,Pb)2 (Th,U) Si8O20. These gemstones multiplies the risk of having cancer.

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