Jul 13, 2017


Another specialty gem type found mainly from Sri Lanka. These are closely related to gems called spinals which are very very common in mines. But Gahnospinel are very very rare. Even after finding them , precise identification of this gem type is even more difficult.

Spinals when checked from surface they appear as bi-pyramid lattice. But Gahnospinel have spherical and oval lattices. This is called Pebble effect. These gems are usually found in rivers. While spinals are common in Red , Blue , Yellow and Pink but Gahnospinel have shiny color. Its different to Blue Spinals and electric blue color of Cobalt Spinals. Its much closer to Royal Blue color of blue sapphire. Gahnospinel have very high refractive index of 1.74.

An expert on gems can clearly identify this quality. These are not sharp has Blue sapphires, but more sharper than regular blue spinals. Refraction index testing can clearly identify Gahnospinel. Even though chemically spinals are classified into many chemicals, Gahnospinel contain Mg. Zh, Al and Co. Refraction index may range from 1.735 to 1.745. But they are uni refractive. Specific Density is between 3.65 and 4.55. Color can also vary from shiny blue to purple because of Fe ions in the gem. Contrasting color of Gahnospinel can also be little darker too. They are rarely discovered in Madagascar as well.  

Jul 7, 2017

Hot Water Springs

Even though the Island of Ceylon now known as Sri Lanka is a very small island on the planet, the biodiversity there is at it’s maximum. There are hot water springs in Sri Lanka too , which are not well known or popular among most tourists.

Most of them are located in the eastern province of Sri Lanka. But Southern province also have few as well. In Early days people considered these as are sacred or place of worship and used it’s water for medical uses. Temperature of these springs can span from 42’c to 60’c.

Minerals in these spring waters may also span from 0.2g to 0.7g too. There are also free CO2 , bi-carbonates , Chlorides , Sulfates , phosphates , Magnesium , Sodium, Lithium and Iron are also found in small quantities in these waters.

MahaOya hot water spring contains the highest temperature of water among all the hot water springs found in Sri Lanka. Bathing in one of these is a not to miss thing for a tourist in Sri Lanka.

Jul 6, 2017

Minneriya Forest Reserve

Another natural wonderland a traveler can witness in Sri Lanka is Minneriya Forest ereserve. It spans nearly 8889 acres. This is the 11th largest forest exists in the island of Ceylon. 

This was opened to public in 1998. Situated in North Central province - Polonnaruwa District, it is at the height of around 500 meters above the sea level. Forest comprises of dense jungles and mountain points. This is very famous for being a wet land at the dry zone in Sri Lanka. Annual rainfall is measured here at from 1500mm to 2000mm . Temperature spans from 20.6’c to 34.5’c which is very unique for a forest located in a dry zone climate. Soil is special too because it consists of brown mud clay which also exists in wet zones while this is located at a dry zone.

Visitors can reach this place on A11 Road to Polonnaruwa from Colombo , stop at 182 mile post, there you can find the entrance counter to the forest reserve. Elephants take the foremost place for the mammal creatures in here. According to Statistics , from 175 to 200 elephants roam this jungle. But at the driest seasons of this area , in around April, around 300 elephants can be witnessed near the Minneriya Water Reservoir. Because Elephants from other areas come to this place to find water at dry season.

They could also be blocking the main road as well at that time. Unique botanical plant systems also can be seen here which are difficult to find in other areas of this dry zone. There are 23 more other mammal species live in this forest. Deers , Buffaloes , bears and rare wild cats can be seen here. Also in the high tree tops , there are monkeys which breed is unique to the Island as well. Cobras and Other snakes are also very common. Another special member in here is the Sri Lankan Alligator. Visitors must be very careful of not to get down from the vehicle you are traveling. You should also not feed any wild animals as well.

Jun 21, 2017

Alstonite or Bromlite

Another rare gem type discovered from mining pits. This particular gem type has special demand from gem collectors and experts due to it’s rarity. In rural town called Gilimale close to the Gem city of Sri Lanka Ratnapura , 

Alstonite or Bromlite weighing 17.5 was first discovered. These are also rarely found in mining pits in Madagascar and Russia. Miners were initially unable to identify this gem type. Therefore they presented it to the veteran gem expert Dr Dunil Palitha Gunasekara. Using his expertise he bought the gem, cut it into 15 pieces and sent to a lab in USA for the identification. 

They were able to finally conclude that this is cut and polished bromlite. Dr Dunil Palitha was the first to introduce Bromlite gems to the world. These are colorless. But once cut and polished it becomes very bright. Density is 9 units. Refraction index is 1.719 and 1.733. It has two refractive indexes. Specific Gravity is 3.02 units. Due to it’s rarity fake bromlites are also exist on the market.  

Feb 16, 2017


You must have heard that ancient Sinhalese were experts on all subjects. Isurumuniya is one place that proves that sinhalese at that time were masters in art as well. 


Living like engravings in precision detail on granite stones that resembles a couple in love made this place world famous. 


It has taken the attention of many artist around the world too. This is the place that brought the heritage of Sri Lanka to the world audience.

It is a must visit place for a tourist. Once you visit this place , you can witness that ancient sinhalese had the best talents in terms of life while many around the world spend their time hunting within jungles.


This is never to be avoided place for a tourist in Sri Lanka. Giant natural granite mountain is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its known as the 8th wonder of the world. 

King Seegiri Kashyapa who was at the helm around 477 BC sponsored the construction of this magnificent complex of structures on this granite mountain. It belongs to Matale District, and closest major city is Dambulla. 

Specialties are Castle built on top of granite mountain top, Lion’s Arch made with bricks , drawings of women at that time and the Poetry Wall. Today only ruins of the castle on granite mountain top can be seen, but even that shows the amazing talents of ancient sinhalese who built these structures. 

Built at the end of 500 BC , apart from the Royal castle , Guard Towers , Cover Walls , Water Ways , Natural Granite Arches as well as flower gardens can also be witnessed. Wall drawings at this place made it world famous and must be witnessed with your own eyes. Can be reached in around 4 hours from capital City of Colombo , Seegiriya has many tourist hotels also near by.

Gadaladeniya Vihara


Another great creation by the ancient sinhalese is the Gadaladeniya Vihara or Temple. In Kandy Road from Colombo , near the 104thKiloMeter post, turning right towards Davulugala Road nearly 1 km, This place can be reached. 

4th Parakramabahu who was at the helm from 1341 yo 1351 BC sponsored this Temple. This is by far the most exclusive building raised in Gampola Kingdom , where King’s castle was located in Gampola , Central province in Sri Lanka. Built on natural granite base, also finished fully in granite, that gives a very special attraction to this sacred temple. 


While traveling in Sri Lanka , there are plenty of facilities for you to access in order to learn the history of this place as well. This is a place which you should never miss.

Palace Of the Tooth

A must visit place for a tourist coming to Sri Lanka is the Palace of the Tooth in Kandy, Central Province. It is the sacred place where Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha is deposited. 


This is the supreme place of worship for all Buddhists worldwide. Also a UNESCO heritage site. You can arrive at this place after a 4 hour journey from the Capital city of Colombo. 


This sacred palace was first built by King 1st Wilamadharmasuriya who was at helm from 1592 to 1602 BC. That original building was demolished by Portuguese after they invaded the island. Current two floor building was completed by King Weera Parakrama Narendrasinghe who was at helm from 1707 to 1739 BC. 


Current lay custodian of this Palace is Diya Wadana Nilame. You can witness that people from all over the world come to see this palace every day. Sri Lankas are proud and greatful about this Sacred Palace. There are plenty of Tourist Hotels nearby This UNESCO heritage site. Therefore this tourist attraction is at easy access.

Feb 15, 2017

Cat’s Eye

Another very exclusive and expensive gem found in Sri Lanka. Classified as chrysoberyls , if these are cut into Cabochun shape, a bright and sharp line can be seen if light is directed onto the gems. 

Reason for this are the Routile fibers that span vertically around the gem. Only one line can be seen, if more than one line is there to be seen , they fell in to category of Star Sapphires. 

In Sri Lanka , Ratnapura , Eheliyagoda, Kalawana , Elahera , these minerals are discovered. They are available in Green to Light Yellow Color. These are also discovered in India and Madagascar, but highest quality Cat’s Eyes are only found in Sri Lanka.


Rarest gem mineral on earth. True name of this mineral type is boninite green serendibite. For a beginner in gems , this mineral is a mystery. Ancient arabs called Sri Lanka as serendib. 


 Hence that is now the name for this gem was derived. Person who owns the honor of discovering and presenting about this gem to the world is Mr A. K. Ananda Kumaraswami. Blueish green color emitting these minerals has refraction indexs of 1.700 , 1.706, 1.734 and 1.738. These are so rare that only 9 such gemstones available in hands at the moment. 



External appearance has shiny green and blue color can easily be mistaken with gem type Konarupin. 



But Refraction Index and Chemical Analysis can differentiate the two. Refraction Index volume can range between 1.697 and 1.702. Specific Gravity is between 3.42 and 3.52. Density is between 6.5 and 7.5. Lines inside the gem mineral and shapes outside of it have a very unique and untidy arrangement. Lattice structure is made of triclinic arragements. Chemical Formula is (Ca ,Na)2 (Al.MgFe2TFe3+)6(Si.B.Al)6O20. Scientific grouping is borosilicate. No internal cracks were witnessed in these gems. Only found in Embilipitiya , Sri Lanka and due to very very rare nature , no price has been yet established for this mineral stone.

King Sapphire

This very special gemstone, which you can purchase yet very very rare in availability. It is the highest ranking gem in the Family of Corundums.



High quality King Sapphire with no cracks are even rare. True color of these gems are similar to color of lotus flower combined with golden yellow. This is a very bright pinkish gold color. 

Aluminum and Chromium are the two unique elements exists in these minerals. Chromium ions help it to get that unique pink and gold yellow color. Therefore they are known as king sapphires. In Sri Lanka , these gems were found in Ratnapura , Kahawatta , Pelmadulla. Such gems with poor quality are found in Madagascar and Myanmar. But Highest Quality gems only found in Sri Lanka.

Hessonite Garnet

Commonly discovered in Sri Lankan gem mines, Zircons are not expensive. These are usually found in gem deposites on rivers. 

In Sri Lanka Okkampitiya ( 160km away from Ratnapura) is very famous for these variety. Among these “red zircons” have high demand hence bit expensive. 

Uni Refracted light family of gems all of them are zircons. Most common among these are milky hassonites. Density is between 6.5 and 7.5. Refractive Index is between 1.72 and 1.94. Specific Gravity is between 3.1 and 4.3. Special variety of Zircons known as Rhodonites are have deep red colors when exposed to direct light. 

Primary elements which provides Zircons their colors are Iron (fe),Calcium (Ca),Vanadium (Va),Manganese (Mn),Aluminium (Al),Zirconium (Zr),Chromium (Cr),Yttrium (Y) .

Kaudulla National Forest Park.

Sri Lanka is very rich in natural resources. Beautiful wild animals and natural rain forests are two among them. This Forest Park is one great example for this. Spans nearly 6900 hectares , This is the 15th Forest Reserve park in terms of registry. 


It is located in North Central Province , on Polonnaruwa District. Tourist can visit this location by reaching Habarana from Colombo , head towards Trincomalee and stop at Square Fort Junction. Turn towards Gal Oya Railway junction, and Forest Park Office headquarters is near by. It’s mountains range from 60 to 500 meters from the sea level. At it’s base is the Kaudulu Reservoir. 


This forest is a dry region rain forest consist of all the elements in dry weather trees. There are many many varieties of grass types also found within the forest park. It provides food and shelter for many wild animals who reside in and around the park. At Sun Set herds of elephants come to the Reservoir for water , and it is one of the best views in the wild. Deers , Bears , Wild Cats and Giant Birds can also be witnessed in this Forest Park.


Girihadu Seya

Located in Trincomalee , Eastern province, this is also a must seen place if you are touring Sri Lanka. After reaching Trincomalee town, head towards Pulmude Road 45 kilometers and you will reach Thiriyaya Village. 


Within this village this sacred place is located in a mountain top. In this Pagoda , it is believed that Hair Relics of Lord Buddha are deposited. It is believed as the first Pagoda constructed in Sri Lanka. 


When you reach the mountain top , you can clearly see the Indian Ocean in it’s widest form that our eyes can catch. This is an impossible view in other locations. There are many facilities for you to study the great history of this place within reach.

Cobalt Spinel

Recently discovered , quickly stormed the gem market , this gem type is also exclusive. It belongs to gem family known as spinel but unlike the rest, this is a very rare gem. 

These gems are usually discovered in town called Okkampitiya which is 160km away from Gem capital Ratnapura. Many gem merchants thought these as fake or artificial gems. 

Gem Expert Dunil Palitha Gunasekara first manage to differentiate this modern mineral family. Biggest Cobalt Spinel Gem was discovered in 2009 from a mine in Okkampitiya weigh at 2.2kg. Chemical composition consist of mainly oxide minerals. These are usually Magnesium (Mg) and Silicon (Si).

But Cobalt spinel consist of Cobalt element in it , giving shiny blue color known as “electric blue”. There plenty of blue spinel gems which are commonly found in mines , yet spinels with electric blue are very rare, at the rate of 1%. Density is between 7.5 and 8.

Jan 22, 2017


This is a gemstone that should not be worn under any circumstances. These highly radioactive gems can provide deadly cancer sickness. First discovered by Mr F. L. D. Ekanayaka in a Mine near Eheliyagoda in Sri Lanka. 

Rarely discovered these can be found in gem deposits of Sri Lanka , as well as mines in Russia and North America. These can have colors ranging from green to color of bee honey. Very rarely Star Ekanites, that is such ekanites glow as a stars were also discovered. They have the refractive index of 1.58 and ranging specific gravity between 2.95 to 3.28. Chemical composition contains either Ca2ThSi8O20or (Ca,Fe,Pb)2 (Th,U) Si8O20. These gemstones multiplies the risk of having cancer.

Blue Star Sapphire

Among the most expensive gems discovered in Sri Lanka , Blue Star Sapphires are very special. When a light is focused at it , these glow as a star with 6 edges. 

Rutile fibers inside these gems give that glowing edges. High quality Blue Star Sapphire must contain all 6 edges. Lesser the number of edges in Star of these sapphires , value becomes lower as well. There are also synthetic star sapphires so you must seek assistance of gem expert when you look for these types of gems. 

Best quality Blue Star Sapphires are only found in Sri Lankan markets. There are also Red, Yellow and White Star Sapphires. 

There is even more rare Star Sapphire which has the color of Lotus flower. In Sri Lankan gem mines located in Elahera, Pugoda and Ratnapura , These star sapphires can be commonly found.  

Black Sapphire

Even though these gems look very dark at the first sight, if light is emitted through it , they glow in dark blue color. These have refractive index range from 1.763 to 1.768 and gravity of 3.95 and 4.03. 

Reason for this is due to lower temperature of inner crust around Sri Lanka compared to other areas on earth. Key chemical substance in Black Sapphires are Aluminum Oxides (Al2O3). When gem is forged naturally , These molecules bind densely in them giving that dark color. You can purchase true black sapphires with the help of gem experts. Otherwise there is a very high probability of having fake blue sapphires in your hands.


These are the most exclusive and expensive among all the gems found on earth. They are also the rarest. Only Diamonds can second them. They are very exclusive due to it’s little availability. 

Reason is they are discovered at a ratio of 1% to all the other rare gem finds. Even within that discovered Alexandrites , gems of highest quality are even rare. These belong to gem family known as chresoberils. They have a density of 8.5. These have a special behavior that cannot be seen in other gem types. Alexandrites glow in emerald green at day light and glow in red at night. 

They get this ability from chromium molecules in it. Best quality alexandrites are found in gem mines located in Ratnapura , Pelmadulla and Kahawatta. These types of gems can be found in India and Madagascar but in lesser quality. Sri Lankan Alexandrites do not contain FE (Iron) in them , but others do. Therefore non-sri lankan alenxandrites don’t have the dual color effect. You must be very careful when purchasing Alexandrites. Highest Quality Alexandrites are readily available in Sri Lanka only.

Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphires are the most common in Sri Lanka’s Gem markets. Their colors range from dark yellowish to light yellow. They are very high in terms of Density. 

There are also Golden Sapphires which has gold color. Even though these types of sapphires are found in Tanzania and Madagascar , Sri Lanka’s Yellow Sapphire are the world’s best. 

Indian Gem buyers maintain very high demand for these family of gems. Gem miners understand this types of gems very well. It is due to the belief that if yellow sapphires can be found , then there can be many other types gems around that deposit. 

Because of this reason , Yellow sapphires are known as the mother stone of all gems. They can be commonly found in almost all gem mines , yet in Kuruwita near Ratnapura the Gem City, highest quality Yellow Sapphires were discovered. They are readily available in all gem markets in Sri Lanka at competitive prices.