Jan 22, 2017


This is a gemstone that should not be worn under any circumstances. These highly radioactive gems can provide deadly cancer sickness. First discovered by Mr F. L. D. Ekanayaka in a Mine near Eheliyagoda in Sri Lanka. 

Rarely discovered these can be found in gem deposits of Sri Lanka , as well as mines in Russia and North America. These can have colors ranging from green to color of bee honey. Very rarely Star Ekanites, that is such ekanites glow as a stars were also discovered. They have the refractive index of 1.58 and ranging specific gravity between 2.95 to 3.28. Chemical composition contains either Ca2ThSi8O20or (Ca,Fe,Pb)2 (Th,U) Si8O20. These gemstones multiplies the risk of having cancer.

Blue Star Sapphire

Among the most expensive gems discovered in Sri Lanka , Blue Star Sapphires are very special. When a light is focused at it , these glow as a star with 6 edges. 

Rutile fibers inside these gems give that glowing edges. High quality Blue Star Sapphire must contain all 6 edges. Lesser the number of edges in Star of these sapphires , value becomes lower as well. There are also synthetic star sapphires so you must seek assistance of gem expert when you look for these types of gems. 

Best quality Blue Star Sapphires are only found in Sri Lankan markets. There are also Red, Yellow and White Star Sapphires. 

There is even more rare Star Sapphire which has the color of Lotus flower. In Sri Lankan gem mines located in Elahera, Pugoda and Ratnapura , These star sapphires can be commonly found.  

Black Sapphire

Even though these gems look very dark at the first sight, if light is emitted through it , they glow in dark blue color. These have refractive index range from 1.763 to 1.768 and gravity of 3.95 and 4.03. 

Reason for this is due to lower temperature of inner crust around Sri Lanka compared to other areas on earth. Key chemical substance in Black Sapphires are Aluminum Oxides (Al2O3). When gem is forged naturally , These molecules bind densely in them giving that dark color. You can purchase true black sapphires with the help of gem experts. Otherwise there is a very high probability of having fake blue sapphires in your hands.


These are the most exclusive and expensive among all the gems found on earth. They are also the rarest. Only Diamonds can second them. They are very exclusive due to it’s little availability. 

Reason is they are discovered at a ratio of 1% to all the other rare gem finds. Even within that discovered Alexandrites , gems of highest quality are even rare. These belong to gem family known as chresoberils. They have a density of 8.5. These have a special behavior that cannot be seen in other gem types. Alexandrites glow in emerald green at day light and glow in red at night. 

They get this ability from chromium molecules in it. Best quality alexandrites are found in gem mines located in Ratnapura , Pelmadulla and Kahawatta. These types of gems can be found in India and Madagascar but in lesser quality. Sri Lankan Alexandrites do not contain FE (Iron) in them , but others do. Therefore non-sri lankan alenxandrites don’t have the dual color effect. You must be very careful when purchasing Alexandrites. Highest Quality Alexandrites are readily available in Sri Lanka only.

Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphires are the most common in Sri Lanka’s Gem markets. Their colors range from dark yellowish to light yellow. They are very high in terms of Density. 

There are also Golden Sapphires which has gold color. Even though these types of sapphires are found in Tanzania and Madagascar , Sri Lanka’s Yellow Sapphire are the world’s best. 

Indian Gem buyers maintain very high demand for these family of gems. Gem miners understand this types of gems very well. It is due to the belief that if yellow sapphires can be found , then there can be many other types gems around that deposit. 

Because of this reason , Yellow sapphires are known as the mother stone of all gems. They can be commonly found in almost all gem mines , yet in Kuruwita near Ratnapura the Gem City, highest quality Yellow Sapphires were discovered. They are readily available in all gem markets in Sri Lanka at competitive prices.

Ruby Gems

Ruby’s are among the most exclusive gems found in Sri Lankan gem deposits. They are also among the most expensive as well. They are also found in Rivers.

Rubies get their color from Chromium molecules inside it. Two other less valuable class of Rubies can also be found in these gem mines. 

They are called ‘Rambas’ and ‘Kirinchi’. But they are never considered as in the same class of Rubies. If you want to find a true Ruby Gem , you must seek the assistance of a Gem Expert. Many Rubies have blue color mixed inside it. In total Gem collections ,

Ruby gems are found at the rate of 2%. Similar high quality Rubies can also be found in Myanmar as well. Lesser quality Rubies can be seen in Australia, Cambodia and India. 

In Sri Lanka almost all gem mines contain Rubies , yet such gem deposits in Ratnapura and Embilipitiya areas contain extra special Rubies. They are readily available in Sri Lankan gem market at competitive prices.

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire is a family of gems that has density of 9. They get their color from Titanium and Iron molecules in it. 

These Blue Sapphires are found in Myanmar , Thailand and in Kashmir Regions in India. 

But those found in Sri lanka are the best in quality among all of Blue Sapphires found on earth.

 This is also the world’s most popular gem type. These are easily available in Sri Lankan gem market as well. In the Sri Lankan Capital City of Colombo and Gem City of Ratnapura, 

plenty of Blue Sapphires are available at any time. There is an undisputed centuries old belief that, If you are born on date of 8th, 17th or 26th on any month and when you wear Blue Sapphires , it could bring you a great fortune. So far the most expensive and best quality Blue Sapphire was found also in Sri Lanka.

Gem Market in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is world famous for its precious gems that no other country on earth possesses. History of this reputation has been shining for many many generations spanning more than two thousand years.

There are several gem markets in Sri Lanka which you can visit if you have great interest in them. Foremost two places are Colombo the capital city of Sri Lanka and Capital of Gem District called Ratnapura. 

In Ratnapura from 3am to 3pm in the afternoon Gem market is filled with nearly 20,000 Miners (people who mine pit deposits) , Gem merchants and Gem suppliers. You can easily find competitive and attractive prices for the gems you look for. 

Second most demanding Market for gems in Sri Lanka is Beruwala. Areas called Nivitigala, Balangoda and Matale also now has emerging and competitive gem markets. But Hub for most gems in Sri Lanka is Ratnapura , because of the high activity in the Business community relating to Gem industry.

Therefore most often gems mined in Sri Lanka reach Ratnapura Gem market. So if you are visiting Sri Lanka for your Gem needs , Ratnapura Gem Market can satisfy your requirement.

Gem Mines

You may not be aware of how you get the gems even if you possess wealth of experience regarding them. Purpose of this article is to tell you the way of getting gems out from the deep pit on to your hands. 

Sri Lanka is globally known for best quality gems. No other country have such reputation. Not only in modern times , but in History as well. Because there is a belief in Sri Lanka that 80% of total land contains gem deposits. 

Foremost region for this is the town called Ratnapura which is located in Sabaragamuwa province. Ratnapura , Embilipiriya , Elahera , Deniyaya Kataragama , Lunugala, Badulla, Okkampitiya, Pugoda are the known areas for gem deposits. Soil that contain gems have two different varieties.

 They can be either surface deposits or deep pit deposits. Pit deposits can be in depths from 20 feet upto 400 feet beneath the surface. There are also gem filtering conducted in rivers as well.  

If you are interested in purchasing gems and on tour in Sri Lanka , there are plenty of facilities for you to witness the gem unearthing process as well.

Gem Pits

You may not be aware of how you get the gems even if you possess wealth of experience regarding them. Purpose of this article is to tell you the way of getting gems out from the deep pit on to your hands. 

Sri Lanka is globally known for best quality gems. No other country have such reputation. Not only in modern times , but in History as well. Because there is a belief in Sri Lanka that 20% of total land contains gem deposits.

Foremost region for this is the town called Ratnapura which is located in Sabaragamuwa province. Ratnapura , Embilipiriya , Elahera , Deniyaya Kataragama , Lunugala, Badulla, Okkampitiya, Pugoda are the known areas for gem deposits. Soil that contain gems have two different varieties. 

They can be either surface deposits or deep pit deposits. Pit deposits can be in depths from 20 feet upto 400 feet beneath the surface. There are also gem filtering conducted in rivers as well. If you are interested in purchasing gems and on tour in Sri Lanka , there are plenty of facilities for you to witness the gem unearthing process as well.